Eating A Rainbow - Understanding Every Colour

Eating A Rainbow - Understanding Every Colour

It's easy to rejoice when your kids finally settle on a handful of fruit and veggies they'll actually eat - and then proceed to feed them those few items on repeat.

It's tempting, but the truth is that our kids (and fussy adults!) need and benefit from variety. If we want to stay as healthy as we can, we need to eat a rainbow.

Nature spoiled us with a huge selection of different flavours, textures and colours so that our meals could stay infinitely interesting - and beneficial. Each colour in fruits and vegetables is caused by specific phytonutrients: natural chemicals that help protect plants from germs, bugs, the sun’s harmful rays, and other threats. That protection and those benefits extend to us too. Eating a diversity of colourful foods can be an easy way to get a complete range of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to thrive.

SHOP NOW: Take In 50 Superfoods Daily

We know it's not the easiest feat to introduce broad diversity into every meal, every day, and that's exactly why we squeezed all those nutrients we need into one simple powder that can be stirred into just about every juice, smoothie and even water.

Here's why you need every one of those gorgeous colours, and what each one offers:

Red & Pink

Fruits include: red apples, cherries, cranberries, red grapes, guava, red pear, red plum, pomegranate, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon

Veggies include: red sweet peppers, red chillies, red kidney beans, radishes and tomatoes

Contains: Vitamin C, potassium, carotenoids, lycopene, anthocyanins, quercetin, flavonoids

Get a concentration of reds in our Reds Concentrate (although still rich in a rainbow of phytonutrients).


Fruits include: apricots, mangos, oranges, orange nectarines, papaya, pawpaw, peach, persimmons

Veggies include: carrots, orange sweet peppers, orange lentils, pumpkin, sweet potato

Contains: Vitamin C, potassium, carotenoids, flavonoids, liminoids, terpenes


Fruits include: yellow apples, banana, gooseberries, grapefruit, lemons, yellow pears, pineapple, yellow plums, quince, star fruit

Veggies include: yellow patty pans, yellow sweet peppers, sweetcorn, yellow tomatoes, yellow zucchini

Contains: Vitamin C, potassium, carotenoids (such as vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin), flavonoids, terpenes, quercetin

Health benefits: All of the above boast hugely beneficial properties when it comes to keeping your eyes, skin and immune system healthy. They may help protect against cancer and heart disease too.


Fruits include: green apples, avocado, green fig, green grapes, honeydew melon, kiwi fruit, lime, green pears

Veggies include: asparagus, green beans, fresh broad beans, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, green peppers, celery, cucumber, artichokes, green herbs, green kale, leeks, lettuce, green olives, peas (green peas, snow peas, sugar snap peas), silverbeet, spinach, spring onion, green zucchini

Contains: Vitamins C, K and folate, calcium, potassium, iron, carotenoids (such as vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin), flavonoids, indoles, saponins, sulforaphane

Health benefits: Like their different coloured compadres, greens also keep eyes, skin and immunity boosted, and may help protect against cancer and heart disease. In addition to those though, greens also supply iron and folate to help make red blood cells. Calcium and vitamin K help keep bones healthy.

Get a concentration of greens in our Greens Concentrates (although still rich in a rainbow of phytonutrients).

Blue, Purple & Black

Fruits include: blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, purple figs, purple grapes, mulberries, passionfruit, purple plums, prunes

Veggies include: aubergine, beetroot, purple cabbage, purple or black peppers, purple carrot, purple kale, black olives, purple onion

Contains: Vitamin C, anthocyanins, chlorogenic acid, quercetin

Health benefits: These dark and lovely colours protect cells from damage and protect against heart disease and cancer. They've been linked with improved memory function and healthy ageing too.


Fruits include: white nectarine, white peaches, lychees, white currants

Veggies include: cauliflower, celeriac, Japanese radish (daikon radish), fennel bulbs, garlic, leeks, white onion, parsnip, shallots, turnips, water chestnuts, white beans (cannellini, lima beans, navy beans, soybeans)

Contains: Starch and protein, B group vitamins, potassium, indoles, isothiocyanates, anthoxanthins


Fruits include: brown pear, dried raisins or sultanas, dates, dried fig

Veggies include: Borlotti beans, brown lentils, Jerusalem artichoke, mushroom, potatoes

Contains: Starch and protein, B group vitamins, potassium, indoles, isothiocyanates, anthoxanthins

Health benefits: These supply protein for growth, energy for an active body and will help protect against cancer.

Shop our full range of superfoods here.